
Annual Cinerama Showings for the Handicapped

"Elsa Nielson helps children to theater seats for an afternoon of movie adventure for area
"Elsa Nielson helps children to theater seats for an afternoon of movie adventure for area's handicapped."
Salt Lake Tribune, page 2B, 14 October 1966

In the 1960s, the Salt Lake Tribune and the Villa Theatre sponsored annual showings of Cinerama films for handicapped and "shut-in" children and adults from hospitals, nursing homes and day-care centers in Salt Lake, Ogden, Provo and American Fork.  The special showings were intended to bring Cinerama productions to persons who ordinarily could not see them.

On Thursday, 13 October 1966, 800 handicapped attended a 1:30 PM showing of Russian Adventure.  The event for 1967 lasted two days, July 17th and 18th, a Monday and Tuesday. About 1000 handicapped saw Grand Prix at 1:00 PM showings on each day.  Because of rain on Monday, buses and cars drove under the marquee so passengers could unload without getting wet.

During the 1996 remodel, the Villa became more accessible to the disabled.  The original manager's office in the lobby was converted into a handicapped restroom and several wheelchair seating areas were added in the auditorium.

Several people stand or sit in wheelchairs in the lobby, with daylight coming through the exterior doors. - , Utah
Some of the more than 1,000 Salt Lake Area shutins who saw "Grand Prix" as guests of the Salt Lake Tribune and Villa Theatre Monday are brought into theater. Another 1,000 will see the film Tuesday.
Salt Lake Tribune, page 17, 18 July 1967