Dreamland Theatre
Ogden, Utah
Charles and George Driskell were managers of the Dreamland Theatre on Washington Avenue for most of 1908. They made improvements to the playhouse in March, including the addition of landscape panels on the walls made by local artists. In August, the Dreamland added a second projector, eliminating the need for intermissions at reel changes. A claim by George Driskell that he had “worked with untiring energy” to secure exclusive engagements at the Dreamland provoked a strong response from R. W. Strong with 20th Century Optiscope, who claimed the entire credit for resolving booking conflicts lay with the national Film Service Association. Two months later, the Dreamland reopened under the management of Fred Tout and Fred Anderson.
Herald Journal, 31 January 2003
Article Summary:
For several years now the Logan area has felt the absence of alternative, arthouse cinema.
The recent opening of the Providence Stadium 8 theaters has now given Westates Theatres enough flexibility to to devote the Reel Time Theatre to art films. The name of the theater will even be changed to Logan Art Cinema.
The most recent source of art cinema in the Logan area was the Alternative Cinema club on campus, but the volunteer effort collapsed about 1996. Afterwards, Marty Spicer revived independent film showings for a time at the Main Theater in Smithfield.