Two views of the auditorium and a sofa in the lobby. Deseret News, 23 December 1937
Moviegoers line up at the concessions stand at the Centre Theatre in February 1989. Garry Bryant Deseret News Archives, February 1989
A wood carving of seagulls saving the pioneers from crickets graced the lobby of the Centre Theatre. Deseret News Archives, February 1989
The auditorium of the Centre Theatre, sometime after a 56-foot screen was installed in front of the proscenium arch in 1959. Deseret News Archives
A sign saying 'Loges Closed Afternoon' blocks the stairway to the balcony. Used by permission, Utah State Historical Society, all rights reserved.
The projectors in the Centre Theatre's booth when the theater opened in 1937. Deseret News, 23 December 1937
'Workmen begin installation of giant 'panoramic' screen at Centre Theater. New 40-ft. screen will replace present 24-ft.' Salt Lake Tribune, page 35, 11 June 1963
Jospeh F. Smith, left, Cecil B. DeMille, and LDS Church President David O'McKay meet during a preview of "The 10 Commandments" in Salt Lake City. BYU Special Collections, August 1956