Trolley Corners
Ticket Booth
Ticket Booth
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On the main level of the Trolley Corners complex is the theater's ticket booth. The stairway next to the booth leads up to theater 1 or down to theaters 2 and 3. Exits to the east go to the buildings multi-level parking structure.
Grant Smith, 30 December 2002
Grant Smith, 30 December 2002
Panoramas near here:
Theater 1
Theater 1 Lobby
Lower Lobby
Theater 2 - Center
Theater 3 - Center
Level 2 Map

Grant Smith
25 March 2004
Grant Smith
25 March 2004

Grant Smith
3 May 2002
Grant Smith
25 March 2004
Grant Smith
25 March 2004

Grant Smith
25 March 2004

Grant Smith
25 March 2004
Grant Smith
25 March 2004

Grant Smith
25 March 2004
Grant Smith
25 March 2004
Grant Smith
25 March 2004