Trolley Corners
Lower Lobby
Lower Lobby
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The entrances to theaters 2 and 3 are located on the lowest level of the Trolley Corners complex. You reach the lower lobby by stairs down from the ticket booth level, or by elevator. The entrance to Theater 2 is on the right of the concession stand and for Theater 3 on the left. The area above the concession stand is open to the level above.
Grant Smith, 25 March 2004
Grant Smith, 25 March 2004
Panoramas near here:
Theater 2 - Center
Theater 3 - Center
Ticket Booth
Theater 1 Lobby
Theater 1 - Center
Level 1 Map

Grant Smith
25 March 2004
Grant Smith
25 March 2004

Grant Smith
25 March 2004
Grant Smith
25 March 2004

Grant Smith
25 March 2004
Grant Smith
25 March 2004

Grant Smith
25 March 2004
Grant Smith
25 March 2004